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Photobucket Friday, June 5, 2009 Photobucket
first week of june holidays (news+opinions)

Summary of news report:

In the early hours of July 1,2007,factory worker Smaelmeeral Abdul Aziz ,32,lay dead at the foot of block 181,Stirling Road.Her husband ,Tharema vejayan Govindasamy had murdered her by flinging her down from the thirteen floor. put on a trail for murder,the 40 year old odd job worker was sentence to death last Monday for hurling her off the parapet of the block's 13th floor.testimony during 34 days of trail laid bare a marriage wracked by jealousy,spousal violence,adultery and allegations of black magic.Their friends thought they were an unlikely pair as she was a bubbly extrovert fond of clubbing and dancing.He on the opposite was a quiet and homely person and rather old-fashioned.They used to be very loving but after he lost his job in 2003 and his wife had to work night shift as a factory operator yet her husband suspected her of using that as a pretext to see another man.

Opinion 1:I think what the man did was wrong he should not have killed his wife just because of an misunderstanding between him and his wife.What he did was very foolish ,just because he lost his job and cause his wife to go work and earn money to feed their newborn son.Instead of thanking his wife, he abuse her and even suspected that she was using her job as an excuse to see another man.When their second child a daughter was born in 2005,money was tight and had cause their loving marriage to tear at the seams .

Opinion 2:He should not have believe in black magic and believe the bomohs that his wife sister had put a curse on him causing him to see shadows and hear voices.He should not lose his temper and cry or even beat his wife .He should not acted on the moment of impulse and fight or even argue with his wife to destroy their marriage.What he did had cause his children to become orphans.Their children will be very sad to know of what happened to their parents when they grow up.

written at 1:51 AM

Photobucket Tuesday, December 30, 2008 Photobucket
last two news

News report:The Education Ministry (MOE) is stepping up its recruitment drive. More than 7,000 teaching and teaching-support jobs will be available next year.The ministry
would be offering financial assistance schemes to students to cope with the economic downturn.MOE and its schools plan to fill 3,500 jobs, while a further 4,000 will come from institutes of higher learning and the kindergarten sector. This was announced at the appointment ceremony for 50 principals on Tuesday.The education sector in Singapore currently employs some 29,400 teachers.With relevant work experience, teacher recruits can earn up to S$4,300 a month while they train to become a teacher. Trained teachers can earn up to S$5,000 immediately after training.Dr Ng said salary cuts across the board next year are unlikely.

My opinions:I think what the MOE do is right they should have give out more jobs to cope with the situation that now many people are going to be retrenched due to financial crisis.Many people are out of jobs now thus people are now are trying save as much as they can and try to find a job as quickly as possible.

News report:The Housing and Development Board (HDB) launched two new housing projects in Choa Chu Kang and Punggol on Tuesday in its last sales exercise of the year.It will offer a total of 1,181 flats, from studio apartments to 5-room units, under the Build-To-Order (BTO) system - where flats will be built only after most of the units in a specific site have been booked. This brings the total number of flats launched for 2008 to 7,793.The first project is called Sunshine Court, where 164 studio apartments, 117 3-room flats and 171 4-room flats will be built and sold at between S$58,000 and S$236,000.Located along Choa Chu Kang Avenue 3, the estate will be situated opposite a neighbourhood centre, which has amenities such as a supermarket and food court.
This is the first time that studio apartments are being offered in Choa Chu Kang and they will be fitted with elderly friendly features like grab bars and non-slip flooring.

The second project, Punggol Regalia, which will be located near the future Punggol Town Centre, offers premium flats with better finishes. There will be 546 4-room and 183 5-room flats, costing between S$252,000 and S$428,0

My opinions:I do not think that now is a suitable time to recommend houses as now we are under financial crisis and not much people would want to buy houses now accept for very rich people or those who want to change houses from big houses to HDB flats.The newly built flats are highly recommended for people whe stays with their old parents as the new flat has elderly friendly features like grab bars and non-slip flooring.

written at 5:25 PM

two more news

News report:Ten foreign workers who were hospitalized with chickenpox on sunday are on the mend,the communicable disease centre said.After giving them medicine their fever has subside and the rashes has stop itching.One of the worker Mr Mohd Kamaludid, 28 years old was found dead in one of the dorms.

My opinions:I think that the workers who are sick should not come to work at all when they are sick.They should have consult a doctor get a medical certificate and rest at home.Now the workers as spread to each other the disease and cause one person to die.

News report:In China, those Chinese families whose babies died after drinking tainted formula milk would each be given 200,000 yuan each to compensate the dead of their babies.The families with babies who developed health problems and had to be hospitalized will then receive between 30,000to 50,000 yuan each,said the official China Daily.At least six babies died and 294,000 fell ill after drinking tainted milk which contain melamine,which is a substance normally used to make plastic.

My opinions:I think what the china government did is right.they should compensate the families and also punish the people who suggested and put melamine in the milk that are freshly produce by the cow and cause the people to thought that there is a problem with the cows and no one dare to buy milk from the farmers.This almost cause the farmers to starve.After this incident many people would not dare to trust products made from China anymore.

written at 4:42 PM

Photobucket Monday, December 29, 2008 Photobucket
Next two news

News report:Private home sales in Singapore have taken a sharp fall in the fourth quarter of this year. Property consultant DTZ, only 112 private homes were sold in the primary market in October, and 192 units sold in November. For the full year, DTZ estimated that the number of home sales in the primary and secondary markets will only make up about 35 per cent of last year's sales, which saw some 38,100 units sold. At the same time, the fall in private home prices have started to gather pace in the fourth quarter, with prime non-landed properties the hardest hit. At the same time, the fall in private home prices have started to gather pace in the fourth quarter, with prime non-landed properties the hardest hit.

Prices of non-landed freehold private homes in the prime districts fell by 14 per cent quarter-on-quarter in the three months ended December, according to DTZ Research.

Overall, average private home prices have fallen 21.6 per cent year-on-year to S$1,160 per square feet, below the level of S$1,200 per sq ft in the second quarter of 2007.

Opinions:I think the price of private homes has sharply fell because of financial crisis and the private homes will have plenty left.I hope the DTZ would faster find a method to sell all the units if not DTZ would not no what to do.

News report:Singapore's Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) has said there is insufficient information to identify the affected biscuits that have been recently destroyed by Chinese authorities.

AVA was responding to queries from Channel NewsAsia after a Reuters report on Tuesday said more than 1,500 boxes of Chinese biscuits exported to Hong Kong and Singapore have tested positive for melamine.

But AVA added all China-made biscuits sold in Singapore are safe for consumption.

It said all milk and milk products from China that were previously found to be contaminated with melamine have been destroyed.

It added that the biscuits from China currently available in Singapore were the ones recalled earlier, but the products have undergone batch by batch testing to ensure they are not contaminated with melamine.

My opinions:I think the AVA should check the biscuits more carefully and destroyed all food which has melamine to prevent Singaporeans to get sick for consuming food with melamine.

written at 1:05 AM

Photobucket Sunday, December 28, 2008 Photobucket
first two news

News report:Singapore lost its first citizen to an overseas terror attack this year. Singaporean Lo Hwei Yen was killed in a terrorist attack in India's Mumbai,hostage takers gunned down the 28-year-old lawyer in the Oberoi hotel where she stayed while on a work trip in November.
My opinions:I think to Singapore it would be a very sad and regretful situation as just a normal lawyer would have to die in such a manner.But this would also teach us a lesson and sent a message to all singaporeans to be more vigilant no matter whether you are in singapore or overseas.

News report:A vicious tropical rainstorm beat down from darkened skies Thursday as mourners held a funeral for the city-state's first-ever terrorist victim.The rain continued throughout the 45-minute service, even as Lo Hwei Yen's white coffin left the church. people who do not no her at all still come to her funeral to sent her off forever.

My opinions:I think that the people who came to her funeral would al be very sad espically her parentsand her husband.The feeling of departing with your loved ones is totally unbearble for some at the thought of never ever able to see them ever again.

(After reading please do give me comments about it.Thank you!)

written at 6:33 AM

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